Below is a list of the multi-lingual literature currently available for free download. Some translations have not been vetted or verified. This page will be updated as additional multi-lingual literature becomes available. Please let us know if a link is not working. Our shopping site also has books, trifolds/booklets, and medallions/Chips for sale.
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This collection of 13 free downloads is sure to take you a step closer to making your images as beautiful as possible. Each can be downloaded separately, so you can select which ones you would use. As they say, go make pretty stuff with them!
This free tool helps you create a free downloadable electronic signature, which is the same as an online signature. Digital signatures are a type of electronic signature with encrypted information that helps verify the authenticity of messages and documents. This typically involves a more complicated process involving private and public encryption keys. More on digital signatures here. We also have further reading for you if you want to know exactly what is an electronic signature.
Signature images are meant to be added to documents or other places that allow embeddding of images. Once downloaded you may want to keep the file on your computer (or save in an online storage service like Dropbox). If you also to have your legal documents completed or signed, you should check out our free document signing tool, SignWell.
The above is the list of 2023 Excel calendar templates we made available free for you to download. All these calendar templates are editable you can also customize most of these using our Excel calendar maker tool. You can choose to add holidays from more than fifty countries and six religions, or you can add your events like birthdays or vacation details. Other details like week numbers marking weekends are possible with the calendar generator tool. So Go ahead make your masterpiece calendar with our Free Excel calendar creator. You can print these calendar templates easily on different size papers like A4, Legal, Letter, 8.5 x 11, 8 1/2 x 11, 8 x 10, etc. using your home or office printer. 2023 public holidays for the USA is included in the templates when you download directly. If you like other country holidays like UK, Australia, Canada, India, etc. then visit respective country pages. The Microsoft Excel templates work well as both xls and xlsx format and works fine with other office applications like Google Sheet, LibreOffice, and OpenOffice etc.